Under the 'Job checklist' screen scroll down to blue header labelled 'Overview' and press the white right arrow to navigate to the next page 

The 'Overview' has two headers 'Fire Safety' & ' Schedule if Condition & Cleanliness' You can take photos using the camera icon and add data in the free text fields to answer specific questions.

New feature includes blue buttons at the top of the screen which can be used to save time when entering Condition & leanliness description. 

E.g.  'Summary of Cleanliness' question if you tap in the box and press blue button 'GOOD' at the top right of Cleanliness it will populate that questions with 'Good domestic clean standard'

Another example 

'Decorative Order' question if you tap in the box and press blue button 'BRAND NEW' at the top right of Condition it will populate that questions with 'Brand new, unused condition '

 When you have completed the overview section select the 'back' button top left top navigate back